
Our aim is for boys to develop the skills and strategies necessary to become successful, lifelong, independent and confident learners.

Through specialist and bespoke intervention, boys gain a clear understanding of their particular needs and develop strategies to overcome their specific learning difficulties, gain confidence in their own learning, fulfil academic potential and acquire study skills that will equip them for life at university and beyond. Guided by the Learning Support Department, Eton takes a whole school approach to identifying and supporting boys with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those seeking advice or support to further their studies. 

My House Master recommended learning support and I found it to be really helpful, as I could see the impacts it was having on my academic achievements.

Boy, B Block

Support comes in many bespoke forms and is in place to help boys confidently overcome current and future potential challenges. Boys may receive one-to-one lessons focusing on areas such as executive functioning skills, revision and learning strategies, and handwriting development which will enable them to work successfully across subject areas. Group lessons are also provided focusing on areas such as study skills, exam techniques and effective reading strategies. The department also provides training, support and information to the wider staff body with regards to how they can differentiate and develop the educational experiences of the boys they work with or teach.

Did you know?

Boys on the Learning Support Register have gone on to some of the top universities in both the UK and US.

Boys that require further intervention can also either be assessed on-site by one of our specialist teachers or they can be referred to one of our highly respected, outside agency professionals.  The department also oversees and monitors all access arrangements for internal and public examinations, and works closely with the Deputy Head (Academic) and the Exams Officer.  All access arrangements put into place stringently follow the JCQ and CIE guidelines.

The school offers effective support for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), identifying their learning needs early and putting in place targeted and appropriate support.

ISI report 2024

The department comprises a Head of Learning Support (the Special Educational Needs Coordinator), a Deputy Head of Learning Support, two full-time learning support teachers and two part-time learning support teachers.  All staff within the department have undergone a range of degrees and specialist qualifications relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The department continues to study and develop with regards to SEND, just as the boys do that we teach.

Communication with parents and carers is also vital to the development of a boy’s learning profile and the department welcomes the input. Even before a boy joins Eton, such communication is urged so we can ensure the appropriate support is in place from the first day they move in.   

Further information regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found in our SEND Policy.