
Last week MGHM, under the able direction of Mr. Hulme, produced a group of 5 plays named ‘A Comic Quintuple’.

The stand out amongst these was entitled, ‘The least offensive play in the whole Darn world’ by Jonathan Rand in which Jake Simpson starred as Shelly and Oliver Hotchin starred as Tom. The play revolved around a couple (Tom and Shelly) attempting to sell an imaginary contraption for cleansing anything offensive from a series of well-known plays. It provided some wonderfully comic moments.

A much shorter play named, ‘Eve and Adam’ by Rich Orloff, and directed by B Blocker, Rory Measelle, was equally amusing. The play starred Oliver Kershaw as the narrator and three F blockers as Adam, Eve and God. As the title suggests it turned a well-known story upside down and back to front, causing more hilarity than the story’s original creator ever intended!

Indeed, deft handling of edgy subject matter became somewhat of a theme for the evening. Whilst a less able cast or director might have struggled with some of the subject matter (nepotism within job selection processes and drug addiction to name just a couple) these were all handled with verve and aplomb by this house that brims with very capable thespian talent.

Hector Tyser