On the evening of Wednesday 31 January, Holyport College welcomed over 50 Eton boys to partake in their annual Quiz Night. The much-anticipated event was incredibly successful and enjoyable!
Before the Quiz began, a lovely meal of burgers and chips was served courtesy of the wonderful Holyport College kitchen staff. As every team was a combination of Eton and Holyport students, dinner gave a great chance to get to know your teammates better and to meet new people.
The Quiz itself comprised of numerous rounds and sections – ensuring that everybody was able to contribute their strengths and interests. These sections ranged all the way from Song and Music to Current Affairs. There was even a picture round, in honour of Pride Month, that celebrated many famous LGBT sportspeople and musicians.
When the final results were announced, it was rather impressive to hear that the staff team had managed to steal the lead after the final round (Music), but, most interestingly, there was a three-way-tie for second place!
With this, the intensity suddenly ramped up as the Quizmaster took the leading teams to a tiebreak round wherein, they had to guess the attendance of a recent League 1 football match. The winning team got astonishingly close with a guess that was only off by about 500!
Regular events such as this Annual Quiz Night have enabled such a great connection to be developed between the two school and many boys eagerly look forward to upcoming events.
The Quiz Night was fantastic and I look forward to more events like it!
James B, Year 12