
Eton College today announces the launch of the Orwell Award 2022Eton’s sixth form scholarship programme offering fully funded places to talented boys whose life opportunities have been limited. Eton is looking for candidates who will embrace the breadth of the Eton experience in and out of the classroom, and who have the academic aspiration, with our support, to apply to the most competitive universities.

The Orwell Award is named after George Orwell: Eton alumnus and himself the recipient of financial aid as an Etonian. Recipients of the Orwell Award will pay no fees throughout their Eton education and will receive allowances to enable them to play a full and rewarding role in school life. Suitable candidates are Year 11 boys in UK state schools who will whole-heartedly commit themselves to making the most of the exceptional opportunities and experiences on offer. Such candidates should have high academic aspirations and, with the help of Eton’s staff, will be applying to the most competitive universities.

As in previous years, in September 2022 up to 12 free sixth form places will be offered as Orwell Awards with the intention of providing candidates with a transformative educational experience that they would not have otherwise been able to access.

Since 1440, Eton has been committed to enabling talented boys to come to the school no matter what their backgrounds or their financial circumstances.

Eton’s Head Master, Simon Henderson

The Orwell Award differs from many other scholarships; in addition to evaluating a candidate’s academic potential, the award’s entry criteria also considers how personal circumstance can hold back academic achievement. Therefore, applicants are also assessed against specific criteria, such as if a boy has refugee status or is a Looked After Child, if he comes from a postcode area where opportunities for Higher Education are seriously diminished, if he is in receipt of the Pupil Premium or if he currently attends a school that Ofsted has identified as ‘requires improvement’ or in ‘special measures’.

There are two further strands of the Orwell Award, the Sixth Form Music Award and the MCM Drama Award, which are available to outstanding musicians and exceptional drama students.

Further information about the MCM Drama Award, which welcomes applications from boys who are passionate about the theatre arts, is available  here.

Further information about the Sixth Form Music Award, which welcomes applications from boys with a strong commitment to their music making, is available here.

More information about Eton’s outward facing work can be found here.