
Eton is commemorating Her Majesty The Queen’s sixty years of service to the country and friendship to the College by launching a Diamond Jubilee Tree Campaign with the aim of ensuring that the areas surrounding Upper Club, Agars and Dutchman’s are graced by beautiful trees for generations to come. The Campaign was launched earlier this year when HRH Prince Harry came to Eton to plant the first tree.

Although the trees in that area look like they have been there for ever, in fact most of the trees you see were only planted 80-90 years ago when Eton bought the two farms. Moreover because they were all planted at the same time, many are due to reach their natural lifespan over the next 20-30 years. Add in disease and climate change and you can see that we have a major challenge ahead. Essentially we are looking to secure a rolling programme of replacement so that the Eton landscape we know and enjoy will be there for our successors to appreciate in the next century!

But more immediately this campaign is a celebration of the remarkable reign of HM The Queen and offers an opportunity for all the Eton Community – from old boys to new boys, former and current parents, masters and support staff, retired and present – to mark this Diamond Jubilee as one.

If you would like any further information about this Campaign, please contact our Development Office on 01753 671348 ([email protected])