Founder’s Day is a rather curious event in Eton’s Michaelmas (Autumn term) calendar. It is far less well known than its more celebrated counterpart – St Andrew’s Day – yet it is arguably more important as it commemorates the very man who founded Eton College: Henry VI.
Henry VI (6 December 1421- 21 May 1471) is not a king whom historians tend to value highly. His reign was marked by civil war and the decline of English power in France. He is viewed as weak-willed as easily influenceable. However, he retains a significant educational legacy, which includes his role as founder of Eton College, King’s College (Cambridge) and All Souls College (Oxford).
It is therefore fitting that his invaluable contribution to the School is recognised, and this day provides the chance for Etonians to come together and give thanks to our founder: Henry VI.