
Holyport College, the new state boarding free school of which Eton is sole educational sponsor, opened last week. Thanks are due to Willmott Dixon, the building contractors for completing on time and also the EFA, Turner Townsend and the Holyport staff team for ensuring the school was ready to open. 55 boarders and 68 day pupils started last Wednesday and will start to shape Holyport as a centre of educational excellence in its own right. The Bishop of Reading presided over a service of thanksgiving for the College.

Eton's educational sponsorship of Holyport College is intended as a way of sharing our pastoral experience and educational ethos to make a long-term contribution to our local community. Now that the school is open, we are actively engaged in developing educational initiatives for the benefit of pupils both here and at Holyport. A record of Eton’s commitment to Holyport is available here.