
Thursday 7th March

On a Stratford-bound visit a group of C Block boys were warmly received at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE). This excursion followed a previous trip from the LAE students in Eton House to Eton last half and the March trip was part of a developing relationship and an effort to strengthen ties between Eton and the LAE. The morning began as we were given a talk by the headmaster- Mr Wilne- about unexpected connections, stemming from the Great Bear, by Simon Paterson. Connections were immediately formed as a panel of LAE students answered a variety of questions from their Eton counterparts. A series of activities followed, before the Etonians were given a short experience of a LAE lesson. This experience proved to be almost indiscernible from an Eton div, and the colourful, modern building that houses the LAE was extremely impressive. All in all, everyone involved found that it was a hugely enjoyable trip to a school with a great atmosphere where there is desire to learn and achieve highly.

Charles Bertlin (PJMcK)