
Last week the Eton College Natural History Museum had a visit from 60 Year-7 students from Stockley Academy. This is our first contact with a school from Hillingdon Borough, which extends our range to the East beyond our usual partner schools in the Royal Borough and Slough. The initial contact was made through Dr Jane Sillery, Master-in-College, who is a governor at the academy. Earlier in the year we had a visit from Oaklands School in Wokingham Borough, so the museum is extending its outreach westwards too!

Meanwhile, closer to home, the museum has just finished a seven-week liaison with Willow School in Slough. Running a weekly Nature Club for ten students has been a huge undertaking for the Curator and the museum's intern but the response has been very rewarding. For the last of seven sessions, the children were able to visit the museum itself and see a lot more of the 16,000 objects in the museum than had previously been transported to the Club every week in the back of the Curator's car!

Find the names of all the museum's learning partners here