
Psychological Society Round-Up

Monday 6th February Alex Lloyd is an OE who had just graduated from Oxford with a degree in Experimental Psychology. He gave an informative talk about what the subject of Psychology generally involves, giving examples of various famous discoveries in Psychology over the last twenty years. He then described more specifically what it was like doing Psychology at university, what kind of jobs it might lead to and who is suited to doing it.

Tuesday 6th March Dr John Butler came to speak to the society about the medical applications for hypnosis. Dr Butler is a professional hypnotherapist with over 30,000 hours of practice. In 2007 he received quite a lot of press coverage because he had a hernia operation without any anaesthetic at all, using only self-hypnosis. This was a fascinating talk and included footage of him self-hypnotising himself for the operation, as well as references to various scientific papers which showed just how effective and useful hypnosis can be for medical applications.

Monday 12th March Kate Beaven-Marks is a hypnotherapist and teacher of stage hypnotherapy. She came to give a talk on how hypnosis works and how to perform it. Her talk involved many practical examples, in which members of the audience were not only hypnotised by her but also performed mild hypnosis on each other. It was a very enjoyable evening.

Hugh Acland (PBS)