Wednesday 6th February
The evening consisted of Glyn reading a selection from his oeuvre which included poetic, dramatic and prosaic works. He began by reading a 5-10 minute extract from his imminent novel written in a non-linear style, repeatedly switching between the present and recollections of the past in which the narrator is a teenager. We were then taken on a significant change of tact as we heard a humorous passage from one of Glyn’s plays .The talk concluded with a selection of his poems focusing on a range of topics and styles, from strict rhythm and style to more free poems. The focus of the poems was also wide-ranging, providing the audience with the full range of Glyn’s work.
The floor was the opened for questions from the audience. Glyn’s answers gave us insight into his own perspective on writing and the influence of each literary discipline upon other disciplines. Moreover, he covered his views of the use of rhyme in poetry suggesting that it was a means of achieving a unique mode of expression.
Overall it was an extremely enjoyable and the society was lucky to host such a prestigious guest.
George Breare (JMG)