The Social Impact Forum was created at the beginning of Michaelmas 2017 and is now being run by the newly appointed Eton Action Mentor, Misha Mehta. Its aim is to increase the participation of non-Specialists in community engagement. It also raises awareness among Etonians about the importance of community engagement and the opportunities available to them for service.
The meeting was joined by some more senior boys such as Thane Brueschke Callum Baker, Chris Lee and Vernon Li, who tried to inspire the lower blocks to engage with the local community, by sharing their positive experiences and highlighting some of the opportunities that exist. Such as volunteering at Holyport College.
Towards the end of the talk Vernon Li, one of the Secretaries of the Eton Action Committee, decided to harness the intellectual capital of the 50 boys in attendance by conducting a ‘brainstorming session’ to scour for ideas for Eton Action’s next large scale fundraising event in the Lent Half.
Overall, this was an extremely successful first meeting for the Social Impact Forum and I look forward to attending more meetings with more of you and seeing what comes of it!
Hector Tyser