Last night, the 1st of May, saw the final of the 2019 Khemka Social Impact Prize. Funded by OE Uday Khemka, the event is a widely anticipated one in the Eton Action calendar and allows senior boys to convey their ideas on what’s missing from the market in terms of social impact and plug the gap themselves, with the winner receiving some money to kickstart their idea and put their plans into action.
There were 4 presentations in total. First, Charles Wolrige-Gordon KS, Jonathan Yang KS, Francesco Volpin, Eugenio Vecchi, Eric Li presented their BioReach initiative, which aims to make Biology more accessible to underprivileged children. George Genieser (ASR) was up second with his initiative to give unaccompanied refugee children from war-torn backgrounds a chance at integration into an often harsh British culture through sport. Henry Pang (JD) presented third, with his Food Direct to Homeless initiative. This scheme planned to use leftover food from Eton boarding houses, Bekynton and Windsor restaurants which would otherwise go in the bin, to feed the hungry homeless in Windsor. Finally, Lucas Weiss (NPTL) gave his presentation on GoodHub, his website which is essentially a social media site for charities. On it, one can track their donations, see exactly what their money is going towards and follow new charities which they may not have heard of before.
George Genieser was the eventual winner of the Khemka Social Impact Prize. Particular thanks go to the expert judging panel who made the final decision and to all of the participants for their excellent ideas, all of which I’m sure will go far in the altruistic world.
Max Graham